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The Next 40 Fund

Pyramid Atlantic participates in CFC, our number is #21004.

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Help us enter the next 40 years strong!


In 2021, Pyramid turned the big 4–0. As many of you know, a pandemic year is not the ideal time to celebrate a birthday milestone, but this was a worthy moment of reflection and joy. It is unusual for a scrappy nonprofit to stay vital and relevant for this length of time. In addition to all the arts organizations that have come and gone, we can’t help but also note that we’ve exceeded the lifespan of some very substantial cultural movements (oh, the 80s!): Bally Fitness, the marriage of Lady Di and Prince Charles, Jordache Jeans, and, yes, sadly also The Go-Go’s!

Pyramid is still here! For an art center that revels in equipment and processes, some of which are centuries old, we are proud to be an organization that stands the test of time. The first 40 years were full of drive to create a home where artists are supported in their work, and the community is heard and engaged in culture and creativity. As we step into our next 40 years, Pyramid is even more committed to its role in the lives of artists and the community.

So that Pyramid may continue to thrive into the future, we created THE NEXT 40 FUND, a “rainy day” fund to ensure Pyramid’s stability and longevity by helping it weather unforeseen circumstances. Please consider donating.

Thank you for your ongoing support!