Support Pyramid Atlantic with an Annual Membership Today
Pyramid is an artistic "home"—a place to learn, teach, share and create. We're driven to cultivate creativity and connections within the artistic community and with those
that love to experience art, whether through hands-on activity or
displayed on a gallery wall.
Supporting Pyramid through an annual membership allows us to continue fostering the creative disciplines of papermaking, printmaking, and book arts, as we equip, educate, and exhibit in our historic Hyattsville home.
To us, members are more than art enthusiasts and supporters though—they are a huge part of our artistic family! That's why membership includes these awesome perks:
Basic Membership, $60/yr:
- 10% discount on Workshops
- Discounted rate on studio rentals
- 10% discount in Pyramid's Gift Shop
- Members Only Happy Hours for cost-effective studio time
- Free members only events
- Invitation to our annual Members' MashUp Exhibition
- Early preview to our gallery exhibitions, including the annual 10X10 Invitational
Access to Pyramid Atlantic's lending library (coming soon!)
Creative Membership, $100/yr:
Includes all of the benefits of the Basic Membership, PLUS:
- Discounts at 100+ museums across the country through the North American Reciprocal Museum Association (NARM).
Expressive Membership, $150/yr:
Includes all of the benefits of the Creative Membership, PLUS:
- An additional $5 discount on hourly studio rentals
- An additional $50 tax-deductible donation to Pyramid Atlantic.
Don't forget the annual auto-renewal option! Simply select "Annually" under recurring donation frequency.
Atlantic Art Center is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. Your donation
is tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law.